Saturday, April 25, 2009

this twelfth day
of mourning my mother
I drop tiny
black poppy seeds
into a warm softening earth

It all happened so fast I am left numb. We brought Mama to the hospital on the night of April 8; she was diagnosed with cancer the next day and died on Tuesday, April 14 at 1:00pm while I held her hand. Heartbroken, but also grateful for the days I was able to sit with her, stroke her hair and bring her comfort,love and peace. I have suffered many painful losses in my life, but none compare to this; my mother has been my biggest inspiration and my best friend for all my days. In every small thing that I do, even in planting these poppies (one of my mom's favorite flowers), I am reminded that life as I know it will never be the same.

This is the link to her obituary which I had the privilege of writing:

Shirley M. Bouchie

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