Sunday, February 10, 2008

out from the market
with popcorn for the movie
you and I
ravished by the excitement
a rushing cloud of frenzied snow

Today was one of those crazy weather days--clouds, sunshine, wind, rain, snow--and if you've been reading my blog, I need not tell you what a weather nut I am. This I get from my mother and have passed along to my children. So the weather made it the perfect day to hunker down, light a fire and watch a movie--except we had no popcorn! So with dog in tow, we drove across the street to the good old IGA and were stunned by the hurricane type squall we encountered upon leaving. Crazy crazy weather day--30 years after the Blizzard of 78! The movie? The Heartbreak Kid. Kind of silly. And go figure, the sun came out before it was half over! Gotta love New England--nothing's ever boring!

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